Football Confidential members and callers were rewarded bigtime again in April! Simply call the hotline or join as a full member at the link below.
0906 635 1310
(Calls cost £1.50 per min)
Weekend Newsletter 7th April to 8th April 5 winners-
eve, 10/11, 4/9, 1/6, 3/10
Weekend Newsletter 14thApril to 16th April 6 winners-
2/1, 9/5, 5/6, 8/11, 11/10, 11/8
Weekend Newsletter 21st April to 23rdh April 5 winners-
7/5, 8/15, 4/9, 4/7, 6/5
Weekend Newsletter 28th April to 30th April 6 winners-
5/4, 4/7, 15/8, 5/4, 4/6, 4/9
Plus Free trixie bet makes 9.90 points profit!!
Midweek Update Line April Results
Midweek update 3rd April to 6th April 4 winners-
7/5, 11/10, 4/5, 11/10
Midweek update line 9th April (Bank Holiday update)April 1 winner -
Midweek update line 10th April to 13th April 3 winners-
8/11, 8/15, 4/7
Midweek update line 17th April to 20th April 6 winners-
1/6, 6/5, 1/3, 4/6, 2/5, 8/13
Midweek update line 24th April to 27th April 4 winners-
7/2, 10/11, eve, 4/11
Plus Trixie makes 7.06 point profit!! and 7.90 points profit!!
Football Confidential
"Football best Kept Secret"
Come join in the fun!!!