Saturday, November 27, 2010

Casino Betting Strategies

The Rules - how to hang on to your chips and beat the casinos at their own game The best gamblers will tell you to stay away from the slot machines, where the house enjoys an edge of around 30 per cent, and indulge in proper games where you have at least the illusion of control.

Blackjack is the easiest to learn and offers the novice the best chance of success, with a 3-5 per cent house 'edge'. Poker is harder but can be the best value for money if you get the hang of it.

All the casinos will offer lessons in the table games - don't be shy about taking up their offer, the dealers will teach you to win. As the casinos rely on a fixed-profit margin they are interested in getting more people to play.

Click here for all the tips and strategies to beat the casinos at their own game

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